Sie haben in ihrer Heimat viel Leid ertragen, haben Tausende Kilometer hinter sich, mussten teils ganz alleine, ohne ihre Eltern, vor Krieg, Hunger und großer Not fliehen: In einer Wohngruppe in Dreieich findet mancher jugendliche Flüchtling erstmals das Gefühl von Zuhause.Von Barbara Hoven
Dreieich: Neubau für Flüchtlinge

Ein Zuhause für junge Flüchtlinge

Sie haben in ihrer Heimat viel Leid ertragen, haben Tausende Kilometer hinter sich, mussten teils ganz alleine, ohne ihre Eltern, vor Krie...

In the complex debate over illegal immigration, one population goes largely unnoticed: the thousands of unaccompanied immigrant children who make their way to the US every year. Some of these children come to find work and send money back to their families, while others have no family left in their home countries and travel to the US looking for relatives to care for them. Many more come to escape violence from drug traffickers and gangs, which often try to recruit even very young children.  Unlike most undocumented adults apprehended at the border, these children are taken to shelters and given an opportunity to try to stay in the US.

NY Times Article Highlights Need for Greater Protections for Unaccompanied Immigrant Children

In the complex debate over illegal immigration, one population goes largely unnoticed: the  thousands of unaccompanied immigrant children ...

Definiti 9 progetti che verranno avviati con l’apertura del prossimo anno scolastico. I risultati saranno comunicati a giugno del 2013. L’assessore Caligiuri: “La Calabria detiene il primato nazionale per la presenza di studenti rom”

L’assessorato regionale alla Cultura, guidato da Mario Caligiuri, ha promosso la pubblicazione di “Progetto Rom. Un popolo di bambini”, al fine di censire, analizzare e programmare gli interventi a favore degli alunni di etnia Rom.

Integrazione degli alunni rom, la Calabria sperimenta

Definiti 9 progetti che verranno avviati con l’apertura del prossimo anno scolastico. I risultati saranno comunicati a giugno del 2013. ...

Nel regno Unito il numero di bambini detenuti è raddoppiato rispetto allo scorso anno, secondo i dati del Ministero degli Interni pubblicati il 30 Agosto 2012, nonostante l'impegno del governo di porre fine alla detenzione dei bambini nel maggio 2010. 37 i bambini  detenuti  nel corso degli ultimi tre mesi nelle case-famiglia, come un 'alternativa' a tenere i bambini in centri di detenzione.

...nei CIE Inglesi.

Nel regno Unito il numero di bambini detenuti è raddoppiato rispetto allo scorso anno, secondo i dati del Ministero degli Interni pubbli...
Dal 18 agosto 2012 ad oggi sono 77 i minori stranieri non accompagnati (la maggior parte somali ed eritrei tra i 12 ed i 17 anni, tra cui 2 ragazze) giunti dalla Libia a Lampedusa, di cui 51 (27 somali, 14 eritrei, 8 ghambiani, 1 senegalese e 1 del Mali fra i 12 e i 17 anni) si trovano ancora presso il Centro di Pronta Accoglienza dell'isola in condizioni precarie e inadeguate.


Dal 18 agosto 2012 ad oggi sono 77 i minori stranieri non accompagnati (la maggior parte somali ed eritrei tra i 12 ed i 17 anni, tra cui...

Preliminarmente è bene precisare che i minori stranieri non accompagnati, minori cioè che si trovano in Italia privi di genitori o altre persone responsabili della loro assistenza e rappresentanza, anche se entratati clandestinamente in Italia, sono inespellibili in quanto titolari di tutti i diritti garantiti dalla convenzione di New York del 1989 sui diritti del fanciullo che afferma che in tutte le decisioni riguardanti i minori deve esser tenuto conto del superiore interesse del minore.

Lo status giuridico del minore straniero non accompagnato nello Stato italiano

Preliminarmente è bene precisare che i minori stranieri non accompagnati, minori cioè che si trovano in Italia privi di genitori o altr...

Sono allarmanti i dati sul fenomeno dell'incitamento all'odio razziale in Italia. I Dati sono stati presantati da otto associazioni (UNIONE FORENSE PER LA TUTELA DEI DIRITTI UMANI; ARCHIVIO DELLE MEMORIE MIGRANTI; ARTICOLO 3 - Osservatorio sulle discriminazioni; ASSOCIAZIONE 21 LUGLIO; ASSOCIAZIONE CARTA DI ROMA; ASSOCIAZIONE STUDI GIURIDICI SULL’IMMIGRAZIONE; BORDERLINE SICILIA; LUNARIA) all'ONU. 

Incitamento all'odio Razziale in Italia. DATI ALLARMANTI

Sono allarmanti i dati sul fenomeno dell'incitamento all'odio razziale in Italia. I Dati sono stati presantati da otto associazio...

Circa 17.000 persone - metà delle quali bambini - sono ospitati nel campo profughi di Za'atari nel nord della Giordania, ma i numeri crescono ogni giorno con centinaia di nuovi arrivi dalla Siria. Quest’ultimo fine settimana si è verificato un aumento significativo del numero di arrivi con più di 2.000 persone che hanno attraversato la frontiera in una sola notte. "Ci aspettiamo 70.000 persone al campo Za'atari entro la fine di quest'anno", ha dichiarato Dominique Hyde, Rappresentante UNICEF in Giordania. "Dobbiamo agire ora, perché sono i bambini che continuano a soffrire di più. Sono urgenti maggiori finanziamenti per incrementare le attività di risposta all’emergenza".

Unicef sempre più grave la situazione dei rifugiati siriani

Circa 17.000 persone - metà delle quali bambini - sono ospitati nel campo profughi di Za'atari nel nord della Giordania, ma i num...
 Circa 30 migranti mediorientali, alcuni dei quali affermano di essere iraniani, tra cui due donne e tre minorenni, giunti verso le 7 di stamani con un natante sulla costa di San Gregorio, marina di Patù, sono stati bloccati dai carabinieri della compagnia di Tricase allertati da segnalazioni giunte al 112, mentre a gruppetti, stavano percorrendo la litoranea jonica. Gli scafisti subito dopo lo sbarco hanno ripreso il largo.(ANSA)

Immigrazione,sbarco migranti nel Salento. Anche tre minorenni e due donne

 Circa 30 migranti mediorientali, alcuni dei quali affermano di essere iraniani, tra cui due donne e tre minorenni, giunti verso le 7 di sta...

The judge called his next case, scanning the courtroom.
The immigrant who was facing deportation rose to his feet, in a clean T-shirt and khaki pants several sizes too large, with his name — JUAN — printed on a tag around his neck.
But the judge could not see him. Juan’s head did not rise above the court’s benches.

More unaccompanied kids end up in deportation proceedings

The judge called his next case, scanning the courtroom. The immigrant who was facing deportation rose to his feet, in a clean T-shirt an...
Die kantonalen Migrationsbehörden entziehen der Heilsarmee die Leitung des Durchgangszentrums für unbegleitete jugendliche Asylsuchende. Dies, weil die Betreuung nicht den Anforderungen des Kinder- und Jugendschutzes entspreche.

Asylzentrum Bärau: Heilsarmee verliert Auftrag

Die kantonalen Migrationsbehörden entziehen der Heilsarmee die Leitung des Durchgangszentrums für unbegleitete jugendliche Asylsuchende. Die...

Riaprono le scuole ma a Forserum, cittadina svedese di 2000 abitanti, le famiglie somale rifiutano di mandare i figli a scuola. Non è un boicottaggio della cultura occidentale. I genitori vogliono proteggere bambini e ragazzi dai continui  attacchi razzisti.


Riaprono le scuole ma a Forserum, cittadina svedese di 2000 abitanti, le famiglie somale rifiutano di mandare i figli a scuola. Non è un b...

In Belgio, Fraramaz, attende trepidante l’inizio della scuola. E’ arrivato dall’Afghanistan dopo un viaggio massacrante all’interno di un container insieme ad altri ragazzi come lui, alcuni dei quali non sono sopravvissuti . Al suo arrivo è stato arrestato dalla Polizia belga ed ha trascorso un’estate noiosa in una squallida camera d’albergo con altri giovani richiedenti asilo.

Asilo per i minori afgani non accompagnati, un dramma europeo

In Belgio, Fraramaz, attende trepidante l’inizio della scuola. E’ arrivato dall’Afghanistan dopo un viaggio massacrante all’interno di un ...

Pubblicati i risultati del progetto internazionale “Protecting Children on the Move” che a Roma, Patrasso e Calais, fra 2011 e 2012, ha offerto una prima accoglienza   a 1.094 “minori non accompagnati” in viaggio verso il Regno Unito, la Germania e il Nord Europa. Ma solo 37 hanno accettato di entrare nei servizi istituzionali di protezione, per tutta una serie di motivi…

Minori non accompagnati in transito. “Protecting Children on the Move”

Pubblicati i risultati del progetto internazionale “Protecting Children on the Move” che  a Roma, Patrasso e Calais , fra 2011 e 2012, ha ...

Ein siebenjähriges Mädchen aus Afghanistan, allein, nur die Muttersprache in einem besonderen Dialekt beherrschend, entdeckt von der Bundespolizei im Zug am Rosenheimer Bahnhof:
Dies war der erschütterndste Fall eines unbegleiteten Flüchtlingskindes, den das Stadtjugendamt Rosenheim heuer lösen musste. Die Versorgung der Minderjährigen, die auf der Flucht aus den Kriegsgebieten des Nahen Ostens in Rosenheim stranden, stellt zunehmend eine Herausforderung dar.

Aus der Hölle in die Warteschleife

Ein siebenjähriges Mädchen aus Afghanistan, allein, nur die Muttersprache in einem besonderen Dialekt beherrschend, entdeckt von der Bunde...
La Generalitat ha atendido en el primer semestre del año a 205 menores extranjeros no acompañados. Son los conocidos como MENAS. Jóvenes que no tienen a nadie en la Comunitat, que emprendieron un duro viaje cargado de esperanza para sacar de la miseria a sus familias. Muchos han arribados a las costas valencianas en patera. Otros en los bajos de camiones. También los hay que han llegado polizones en barcos. Todos han sido auxiliados.
En lo que va de año, la Conselleria de Bienestar Social ha asistido a 652 menores extranjeros entre enero y junio de este año. De ellos, un centenar de casos han entrado nuevos al sistema de protección.
La mayoría de los jóvenes asistidos son menores acompañados (446) que han acabado en la red asistencial del Gobierno valenciano por diferentes motivos, que van desde el desamparo de los padres a las dificultades económicas de estos. De hecho, la falta de dinero y la ausencia de pautas de los progenitores por la cultura diferente (como dejar a los niños que estén en la calle hasta altas horas de la noche o el absentismo escolar) hacen que cada vez haya más hijos de familias extranjeras tutelados.
Sin embargo, por primera vez desde que comenzó el fenómeno de la inmigración, la llegada de estos adolescentes desamparados a Valencia, Alicante y Castellón ha disminuido. La crisis económica está detrás de esta tendencia. La progresión de hace una década se ha ralentizado. Entonces, el sistema de protección atendió a 1.749 menores extranjeros. Hoy, 651.
Sobre el régimen en el que permanecen los adolescentes acogidos en el primer semestre de 2012, medio millar están bajo tutela y 129 en guarda. La mayoría en acogimiento residencial y el resto, con alguna familia. La Comunitat dispone de ocho centros para ellos con 87 plazas. «La atención residencial de menores extranjeros se está realizando también en cualquiera de los centros de la red de protección de la que disponemos, especialmente en los centros de recepción», explica la directora general del Menor, Carolina Martínez.
El perfil de los jóvenes que están bajo el paraguas de la Generalitat es claro. Hay más varones que mujeres y los países de procedencia siguen siendo Marruecos, Rumanía y Argelia. Muchos de los MENA tienen 17 años. La determinación de la edad es uno de los problemas a los que se enfrentan las administraciones. Muchos se hacen pasar por menores por la tutela. La Fiscalía de Valencia atajó estas situaciones al realizar una triple prueba: la radiológica (de boca y clavícula), la exploración física y las entrevistas.

200 menores extranjeros son tutelados en seis meses al estar solos en la Comunitat

La Generalitat ha atendido en el primer semestre del año a 205 menores extranjeros no acompañados. Son los conocidos como MENAS. Jóvenes que...
The judge called his next case, scanning the courtroom.

The immigrant who was facing deportation rose to his feet, in a clean T-shirt and khaki pants several sizes too large, with his name - JUAN - printed on a tag around his neck.

But the judge could not see him. Juan's head did not rise above the court's benches.

Juan David Gonzalez was 6 years old. He was in the court, which would decide whether to expel him from the country, without a parent - and also without a lawyer.

Immigration courts in this South Texas border town and across the country are confronting an unexpected surge of children, some of them barely school age, who traveled here without parents and were caught as they tried to cross illegally into the United States.

The young people, mostly from Mexico and Central America, ride to the border on the roofs of freight trains or the backs of buses. They crossed the Rio Grande on inner tubes, or hike for days through extremes of heat and chill in Arizona deserts. The smallest children, like Juan, are most often brought by smugglers.

The youths pose troubling difficulties for American immigration courts. Unlike in criminal or family courts, in immigration court there is no right to a lawyer paid by the government for people who cannot afford one. And immigration law contains few protections specifically for minors. So even a child as young as Juan has to go before an immigration judge - confronting a prosecutor and trying to fight deportation - without the help of a lawyer, if one is not privately provided.

So far this year, more than 11,000 unaccompanied minors have been placed in deportation proceedings, nearly double last year's numbers.

Young migrants say they are fleeing sharply escalating criminal violence in their home countries. Federal agencies have scrambled to muster adequate detention facilities, while legal advocates try to find lawyers to represent them. Judges, for their part, have struggled to offer fair hearings to penniless youths who speak little English and often do not even understand why they are in court.

The influx has heightened concerns that young people without legal help may not be able to obtain even the most basic justice.

"It is almost impossible for children to receive relief in immigration court on their own," said Meredith Linsky, the director of the South Texas Pro Bono Asylum Representation Project, known as ProBar, a nonprofit organization that defends young migrants in the region. "The reality is they cannot comprehend the system and what is being asked of them."

Judge Howard Achtsam postponed Juan's proceedings, but he warned the boy and other minors in the courtroom.

"If you do not have a lawyer," the judge said, "you need to be ready to speak for yourselves at your next hearing."

Juan left holding the social worker's hand, grinning proudly when she told him he had done well. But his case was just beginning. Most likely it would end with a final order for his deportation.

Immigration courts see surge in children

The judge called his next case, scanning the courtroom. The immigrant who was facing deportation rose to his feet, in a clean T-shirt and kh...
Il pattugliatore d'altura Spica della Marina Militare ha prestato soccorso in mare a un gommone alla deriva con 77 migranti, tra cui 12 donne - di cui una incinta - e 35 minori tra i quali una bimba di quattro anni. Il gommone è stato localizzato a circa 70 miglia a sud-est di Lampedusa.

Soccorso gommone.35 minori a bordo

Il pattugliatore d'altura Spica della Marina Militare ha prestato soccorso in mare a un gommone alla deriva con 77 migranti, tra cui 12 ...
"In Italia è stata finalmente messa a punto nel gennaio scorso da parte del ministro del Lavoro e delle Politiche Sociali la prima bozza del Piano Nazionale Anti-Tratta, ed è assolutamente necessario che venga attivato entro il 2012, come annunciato, e che si avii l'osservatorio nazionale, come è importante che l'identificazione dei minori vittime di abusi comprenda non solo lo sfruttamento sessuale ma tutte le forme possibili di sfruttamento" Così Carlotta Bellini, responsabile protezione dei minori di Save the Children Italia nel commentare il Report internazionale sui minori vittime di tratta e sfruttamento 'I piccoli schiavi invisibili 2012' diffuso in occasione della Giornata Onu in ricordo del commercio degli schiavi e della sua abolizione il 23 agosto scorso.

Tratta e sfruttamento: "In Italia attivare il Piano ministeriale entro il 2012"

"In Italia è stata finalmente messa a punto nel  gennaio scorso da parte del ministro del Lavoro e delle Politiche Sociali la prima ...
An African asylum seeker detained in a Libyan detention camp after a failed attempt to enter Europe has told the Guardian about the harsh – sometimes terrifying – fate that awaits those who fail in their attempts to flee the continent north across the Mediterranean.

Asylum seekers in Libya: one man's story of prison conditions

An African asylum seeker detained in a Libyan detention camp after a failed attempt to enter Europe has told the Guardian about the harsh...
Photo released by the Indonesian National Search And Rescue Agency of a wooden boat believed to have up to 180 asylum seekers on board, off Christmas Island, Australia, 4 July, 2012Australia has seen an increase in asylum seekers arriving by boat in recent months
Australia says it will increase its intake of refugees to 20,000 a year, from the current 13,750, in line with recommendations by an expert panel.

Australia to increase refugee intake to 20,000 annually

Australia has seen an increase in asylum seekers arriving by boat in recent months Australia says it will increase its intake of refug...

Tratta e sfruttamento di minori: Save the Children 1 diffonde un rapporto che racconta come sia in crescita il numero delle piccole vittime di sfruttamento sessuale e lavorativo. I piccoli migranti non accompagnati sbarcati in Italia tra i soggetti più a rischio. Alla vigilia della Giornata (23 agosto) in ricordo della Schiavitù e della sua Abolizione

Smerciare bambini rende ricchi come con la droga e le armi

Tratta e sfruttamento di minori:  Save the Children   1  diffonde un rapporto che racconta come sia in crescita il numero delle piccole ...

Le démantèlement des camps des Roms « est un problème complexe, difficile, qui est dans l'actualité depuis près de dix ans, et nous savons bien qu'il n'y a pas de solution miracle, et que la cohabitation des populations, qui vivent dans la plus grande précarité sur des terrains insalubres, se fait difficilement avec des populations qui sont bien souvent dans des quartiers populaires.»

Pierre Henry, directeur général de l'association France terre d'asile, s'exprime au micro de Grégory Lesca sur le récent démantèlement des camps de Roms, ordonné par le ministère de l'Intérieur.



Pierre Henry, Directeur général de l’association France terre d'asile

Le démantèlement des camps des Roms  « est un problème complexe, difficile, qui est dans l'actualité depuis près de dix ans, et nous sav...

Child refugee Aziza was being forced into marriage and genital circumcision in her native Chad when the then 11 year old managed to escape to Canada.

Aziza, now 15, is one of hundreds of unaccompanied child refugees -- those under the age of 18 -- who show up yearly at Canadian borders seeking protection from alleged human traffickers and other abusers.

Canadian immigration officials do not track child claimants and workers estimate as many as 3,000 of them, either unaccompanied or with a guardian, show up each year at Canadian airports and land border crossings.

Aziza, whose identity is being protected because of her age, was left in Chad with an aunt by her mom, who fled to Canada as a refugee to escape persecution, Federal Court of Canada documents show.

"(Aziza) was born out of wedlock and this was considered shameful," Judge Andre Scott said in his decision. "Her biological mother left her daughter at the age of three months in the care of her sister."

Court heard the aunt subsequently left for Canada, leaving Aziza with her husband, who had collected part of a dowry in exchange for permitting the girl, then 11, to be married to an older man. As a result, Aziza had to undergo circumcision.

The mother was stunned by the news of her daughter's impending marriage and persuaded relatives in Chad to obtain documents to spirit Aziza to safety in Canada, where she arrived in January 2009 and filed an unsuccessful refugee claim.

Her failed refugee decision was appealed to the Federal Court that granted another hearing before an Immigration and Refugee Board (IRB).

Aziza is now living in Montreal with family members. Her lawyer, Claude Whalen, couldn't be reached to comment on the case.

Scott ruled in a June 25 decision that Aziza did not receive a proper hearing before the IRB.

"I am loath to believe that a refugee status claim could be dismissed solely on the ground that as the claimant is a young child he or she was incapable of experiencing fear, the reasons for which clearly exist in objective terms," he wrote.

"Given the sheer number of errors committed by the IRB in this case, the court finds that the decision is unreasonable and the matter must be returned for reconsideration," Scott ruled.

Court was told Aziza was prevented from attending school by her uncle in Chad because he believed women should not be educated and remain at home.

"Some of these children are illiterate and have little or no experience of formal schooling," according to a counsellor who works with child claimants. "Refugees may suffer from trauma-related ailments due to their experience of living in war-torn countries."

Most child refugees suffer from learning difficulties and adjusting to a new life in Canada, the counsellor said.

Aziza, as with other child claimants, are interviewed on arrival by officers of the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA.) If the children show up at Pearson Airport with no documents or anyone to meet them, Peel Children's Aid Society is called.

Society spokesperson Whitney Rodricks said child-care workers are called about 12 times yearly to help children at Pearson.

"We will conduct an investigation if the child has no documents or no one to claim them," Rodricks said. "We will investigate to determine if the the child has family in Canada."

She said workers will contact agencies in the child's homeland to try and locate family members.

"We try to return the child to their family," Rodricks said. "We will attempt to repatriate children with family members if there is not a risk of harm to that child."

She said her workers usually stay in contact with the children until they turn 21.

IRB spokesman Robert Gervais said there's no information available on child claimants.

"The IRB has no available statistics regarding unaccompanied minors requesting refugee status," Gervais said by e-mail, adding an Access to Information Request is required "to permit the IRB to see if we could compile these statistics for a given period of time."

Toronto lawyer Guidy Mamann said child claimants are provided a "designated representative" to help them during hearings before the IRB to determine if they are legitimate refugees.

"Some of these kids are quite traumatized by the time they get here," Mamann said. "Some have been through bloody wars and have seen explosions, bullets and a lot of violence."

He said some children arrive from horrific refugee camps, where they've witnessed people dying.

"Many times these children are put on flights with false documents just to get them to safety," Mamann said. "Most of the times there is no one here to claim the children."

He said cases involving refugee claimant parents with young children are heard separately, and sometimes the parents are sent back home and the children are allowed to stay.

"We have had cases where the children are allowed to stay and the parents are sent back home," Mamann said. "Sometimes the kids are not accepted and the parents are."

He added it takes from two to four years for refugee parents to sponsor their ailing children to Canada.

And, some of the youngsters are detained on arrival until their cases are sorted out.

The Canadian Council for Refugees is concerned about the detention of some of the child claimants and want a national policy on how the children should be treated.

"Significant weight is not always given to the best interests of the child when detention is being considered," the council said on its website. "Children, many of them asylum-seekers, are regularly detained in Canada, sometimes for many weeks."

The group said children are frequently in detention with a parent even though they have done nothing wrong.

In Toronto, teachers are brought in several times a week to an immigration detention centre on Rexdale Blvd. to instruct the children of refugees and others awaiting deportation. There are children's toys and games in a family wing of the centre.

"The lack of coherent policy for separated children leaves child victims of trafficking unprotected," the council said. "Canada still lacks a clear policy to ensure that children are not removed to a situation where they may be unsafe."

Canadian border agents suspect some of the unaccompanied minors may have been smuggled here by their parents or are victims of human trafficking rings.

As a result, Canada Border Services Agency officials are being pushed to develop country profiles to provide up-to-date data on the main child-refugee producing countries. And foreign embassies and international organizations in the worst countries are also being urged to do more in their country-assessment reports.

Canada gets 3,000 child refugees a year

Child refugee Aziza was being forced into marriage and genital circumcision in her native Chad when the then 11 year old managed to escape t...

The Canadian Council for Refugees is concerned about the detention of some child refugees and want a national policy on how they should be treated on arrival here.

The most recent Canadian study into child claimants was prepared by the UN High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) examining data from 1999 to 2002. It shows there were 100,000 separated children in Western Europe and as many as 20,000 of them file asylum claims yearly in Europe and North America.

The study shows 368 unaccompanied minors, under the age of 17, filed refugee claims in Canada in 1999 compared to 674 in 2000, 817 in 2001 and 1,830 in 2002. Not all the claims were reported.

Another study, that claims to have used federal immigration department data, estimated that 1,087 unaccompanied minors and 1,683 separated children arrived in Canada from 2000 to 2004.


Call for national child refugee policy

The Canadian Council for Refugees is concerned about the detention of some child refugees and want a national policy on how they should be t...

The circumstances of unaccompanied minors are barely addressed by theHouston report on asylum seekers.

There is one reference to "vulnerable persons". This is in the context of transferring those with "special needs" or who are "highly vulnerable" to Australia rather than being left in Nauru or PNG.

The report does not give examples or definitions of what "special needs" are or who qualifies as "highly vulnerable". In one sense, this is better than a restrictive definition as it provides some flexibility for cases of people who may need special services which are unlikely to be available in Nauru or PNG.

In an attachment, the authors recommend that the Immigration (Guardianship of Children) Act 1946 be amended to provide "that the Minister's consent is not required for a non-citizen child to be taken from Australia to another location for the purpose of processing their asylum claims".

The expert panel state that "oversight of arrangements for minors" would be possible through the Parliament's power to disallow the instrument designating a country as a regional processing location.

It is surprising that the expert panel did not directly address this very important issue in the report at all, and restricted comment to two paragraphs in attachment 10.

My minister, my keeper

Currently, the Minister for Immigration, Chris Bowen, is the legal guardian for unaccompanied minors under the Immigration Act (Guardianship of Children) 1946. It is possible for the minister to delegate the guardianship role to state or territory ministers who have responsibility for welfare matters.

A significant minority of unauthorised arrivals over the past five years have been minors. There have been practical issues such as accurately determining the age for unaccompanied minors, especially when the minor in question does not know their true age. This is not uncommon among some communities such as Afghans from regional areas where birthdates are not recorded and a different calendar is used.

Not surprisingly, the department has sought to find ways of caring for minors outside of detention, especially given the well-known damaging effects of prolonged detention on asylum seekers. So when the "Malaysian Plan" was agreed in 2011, one of the concerns of advocates was whether minors would be forcibly returned to Malaysia and who would care for them there. This featured in the M70 case in the High Court which effectively ruled out the plan.

The second plaintiff in that case, M106, was a minor. M106 argued that they could not be removed to Malaysia unless their guardian, the minister, had given consent in writing. Such a decision is reviewable under the Administrative Decisions Judicial Review Act 1977 (ADJR Act). The ADJR Act requires written reasons be given and such reasons are reviewable in the Federal Court. It is likely that matters such as "the best interests of the child" and possible issues under the UN Convention on the Rights of the Childwould arise in such proceedings.

The High Court held that as no written consent had been given, M106 could not be removed, apart from the fact that the "Malaysian Plan" declaration by the minister was found to be made in contravention of the human rights protections set out in the Migration Act.

Hence the need to amend the Immigration (Guardianship of Children) Act to enable the forced removal of minors to Nauru, or wherever they would be sent. Otherwise each minor would need a written consent by the minister, and such consent would be reviewable in the Federal Court on grounds wider than those that apply to judicial review of Migration Act decisions.

More than a minor omission

Given the major significance of a recommendation that minors be stripped of protection under the Guardianship of Children Act, it is astounding that the expert panel did not address this issue and made a sweeping recommendation to abolish the existing protections.

This has not featured in the political debate very much.

Sadly the current political environment seems unlikely to deal with the "best interests of minors" in the rush to implement the Panel's 22 recommendations. An issue which affects basic human rights for minors deserves more serious and informed debate.

Expert panel leaves asylum seeker children in the dark

The circumstances of unaccompanied minors are barely addressed by the Houston report  on asylum seekers. There is one reference to "vul...

Par Marc Leplongeon

Chaque année, des mineurs passent seuls la frontière française et sont pris en charge par les départements. Mais leur budget explose...

Les juges pour enfants n'en peuvent plus du bricolage. Ils réclament une solution nationale pour gérer les quatre mille à six mille mineurs non accompagnés qui vivent en France métropolitaine. Ils viennent d'Afrique, d'Inde ou encore d'Europe de l'Est, certains ont fui leur pays pour échapper aux violences des révolutions arabes. D'autres sont "mandatés" pour réussir en France et aider financièrement leur famille.

"Les jeunes viennent souvent avec des projets précis d'insertion, ils ne sont pas là par hasard", confie Évelyne Monpierre, juge pour enfants et membre de l'Association française des magistrats de la jeunesse et de la famille (AFMJF). Lorsqu'ils arrivent sur le territoire, les enfants étrangers sont en situation irrégulière. Leur minorité les rend cependant inexpulsables. Les autorités publiques, qu'elles le veuillent ou non, doivent donc composer avec le phénomène. "Lorsqu'ils arrivent devant le juge, nous pouvons prendre une ordonnance de placement provisoire en attendant que leur situation s'éclaircisse", poursuit la magistrate. Problème : qui finance cette prise en charge des jeunes ? Pas de bricolage sur le dos des enfants

"L'État considère que ces enfants relèvent de l'Aide sociale à l'enfance (Ase), et donc des départements. Les conseils généraux, eux, affirment que cela relève de la politique migratoire, et donc de l'État", résume Clément Prunières, de l'Assemblée des départements de France. Les départements consacreraient en effet plus de 200 millions d'euros par an à la prise en charge de ces enfants, 45 millions en 2011 pour la seule Seine-Saint Denis. À tel point que, fin 2011, Claude Bartolone, alors président du conseil général, avait entamé un véritable bras de fer avec l'État, refusant de prendre en charge plus de mineurs. L'Ille-et-Vilaine est, elle aussi, particulièrement touchée et tire la sonnette d'alarme : s'occuper des mineurs non accompagnés peut représenter jusqu'à 15 % de son budget.

L'ancien ministre de la Justice Michel Mercier s'était saisi de ce dossier épineux. "Il a simplement décidé de répartir les enfants dans plusieurs départements. Il soulage ainsi certains conseils généraux, comme la Seine-Saint-Denis, qui faisaient face à des flux très importants", explique Jean-Pierre Rosenczveig, président du Bureau international des droits de l'enfant (BIDE) et du tribunal pour enfants de Bobigny. "Mais aucune politique globale n'est ressortie de l'ouverture du dossier, et on a continué à traiter les enfants comme des paquets", ajoute-t-il. Sur son blog, le magistrat dénonce ce statu quo qui tend, selon lui, à "éviter de faire un appel d'air avec un dispositif d'accueil trop performant"

"Limiter les dégâts"

"Que des mineurs non accompagnés entrent sur le territoire, c'est un fait. Mais après, il faut assurer le service après-vente", s'insurge Jean-Pierre Rosenczveig. "Pour une fois, on se retrouve avec un gouvernement et des départements du même bord politique... Ils devraient pouvoir s'entendre." Le président du BIDE précise la forme que l'accord pourrait prendre : "Tant que la situation juridique de l'enfant n'est pas clarifiée, c'est l'État qui paie. Lorsque l'enfant est régularisé, les conseils généraux le prennent en charge." Une proposition qui, d'après lui, permettrait de "limiter les dégâts".

Jean-Pierre Rosenczveig se dit prêt à endosser le "rôle d'arbitre" entre conseils généraux et État. Encore faut-il que Christiane Taubira, qui a mis sur la table le dossier de la justice des enfants, ait réellement l'intention de se pencher sur ce dossier.

Ces enfants étrangers dont personne ne veut s’occuper

Par Marc Leplongeon Chaque année, des mineurs passent seuls la frontière française et sont pris en charge par les départements. Mais leur bu...

la copertina di Minori stranieri non accompagnati-Accoglienza temporanea 2011La copertina del rapporto

Sono 17.823 i minori stranieri non accompagnati accolti temporaneamente in Italia nel 2011 grazie ai programmi solidaristici. Si tratta dei progetti di accoglienza temporanea presentati al Comitato per i minori stranieri da enti locali, associazioni e parrocchie finalizzati non solo al benessere psicofisico del ragazzo ma anche alla sua socializzazione e al suo inserimento in un contesto socio-familiare idoneo a favorire lo sviluppo delle sue potenzialità.

Questa, in ordine di numero, la provenienza dei minori accolti: 16.540 da Russia e Paesi dell'Europa dell'Est (92,8% del totale); 899 dall'area dei Balcani (5%), 737 dei quali dalla Bosnia-Erzegovina; 333 dall'Africa (1,9%); 42, per la prima volta, dal Giappone; 9 dal Brasile (America Latina).

I numeri si trovano nel rapporto 'Minori stranieri - Accoglienza temporanea 2011' pubblicato dal Comitato, l'organismo interistituzionale previsto dal Testo unico sull'immigrazione (decreto legislativo 25 luglio 1998, n.286, articolo 33) che si occupa, tra le altre cose, di accertare lostatus di minore non accompagnato e di approvare i programmi solidaristici di accoglienza temporanea.

Una forma di solidarietà sentita in Italia, stando ai 1104 progetti presentati al Comitato nel 2011 da 214 soggetti proponenti concentrati (per il 76% dei programmi) soprattutto nei piccoli comuni, a indicare che l'accoglienza di questo tipo è gestita molto spesso dalle comunità locali.

La distribuzione geografica dei proponenti sul territorio nazionale è invece omogenea, anche se si registra un picco in Lombardia (42, pari al 20% del totale).

Minori stranieri non accompagnati, pubblicato il rapporto sull'accoglienza temporanea 2011

Sono 17.823 i minori stranieri non accompagnati accolti temporaneamente in Italia nel 2011 grazie ai programmi solidaristici. Si tratta dei ...
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