
NO child shall be deprived of his or her liberty… The arrest, detention or imprisonment of a child shall be in conformity with the law and shall be used as a measure of last resort for the shortest period of time.”
United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child Article 37 (b)

All children have rights. They have the right to play. They have the right to go to school. They have the right to good healthcare and they have the right to be free.


1023 children will spend tonight in Australian Immigration Detention, 222 of these children will spend the night in Nauru detention. Due to the heat, cramped conditions and the lack of any surface other then gravel, there is minimal ability for meaningful recreation and play within the compound. Education is provided by Save The Children but their environment is hardly conducive to learning.
The Nauru RPC (regional processing centre) was always meant to be an open one where asylum seekers could come and go with some degree of freedom and community interaction. This has not happened and some people have been detained for more than 7 months without a single excursion outside the detention facility.

The Government of Australia has stated that refugee processing is the responsibility of Nauru and that anyone found to be a refugee will either be settled in Nauru or another nation, but NOT Australia.


You can be the voice for those that the Government is trying to silence and help Children obtain their Human Rights by signing the petition here

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