Il Secondo progetto di MIGRArt ospitato su queste pagine è My Flag di Joanna Groves BFA.Art Therapist, Art Therapy Italiana. L'obiettivo del workshop dal titolo simbolico "la mia bandiera" è stato quello di permettere ai partecipanti, di esprimere la propria creatività.
I Partecipanti al workshop, adulti e bambini, sono Migranti Transitanti incontrati presso l'Ex Centro Baobab di Roma che ne ha accolti oltre 35000. L'obiettivo del progetto è stato quello di creare uno spazio ludico e creativo per l'individuo che si trovava di passaggio nel centro per transitanti.

Il titolo "la mia bandiera" è simbolico, è un'icona dell'identità culturale e nazionale. Nel laboratorio all'aperto si invitano i partecipanti ad elaborare una propria bandiera per vivere un'esperienza sensoriale e creativa che permetta una consolidazione del proprio io.

Le opere migranti verranno esposte al festival
Pensare Migrante, un evento di tre giorni organizzato da Baobab Experience dal 29 Aprile al primo Maggio presso Città dell'Altra Economia - Largo Dino Frisullo (Testaccio)

L'Art Therapist Joanna Grooves scrive:

The aim of the workshops was to allow the participants a chance of creative expression while being  hosted in a safe place, albeit  Refugee Accommodation.The  title   MY FLAG is  symbolic, it serves as a starting point from which the participant can embark to make a picture.  The flag is an icon, a common denominator, a cultural bond that cements identity. Here, in the context of these open ateliers, the project uses 
June 2015, the massive influx of refugees to many parts of Italy had been constantly featured by the media. The  Baobab, via Cupa, Rome,  had been inundated  by hundreds of refugees,  the press accounted for the difficulties the centre was having and spread  word to gain support from the local population.
Roman volunteers flocked to make donations or give time.
It was not until September that I passed by the Baobab to donate some sleeping bags that had been gathering dust. On arrival I was welcomed by a couple of Italian women who were vigil by the street entrance. For my donation I was invited on a tour of the centre. I saw a large area cordoned off for clothing; my sleeping bags were put in a corner of the mens wear section. Then there was the KIT section. Boxes full of bags in which to put all items necessary for an on going journey, all provided for by the centre thanks to donations.
 The many faces I saw on my tour had greeted me  silently with their eyes. We had no common language, no words had been spoken, communication was left to glances. This barrier was to me an invitation. Each of those faces, regardless of age or sex, cultural or religious identity, could be helped to communicate through the non verbal language of art making.
I set about writing an Art Therapy  project proposal for the Baobab Refugee Centre. My aim was to create a space within the centre that would allow the guests to enjoy a creative activity that would bring them respite in their long days of  anxious waiting, a means to communicate in a non verbal way.

Di seguito alcuni delle espressioni d'arte migrante:


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