Visualizzazione post con etichetta undocumented immigrants. Mostra tutti i post
Visualizzazione post con etichetta undocumented immigrants. Mostra tutti i post
Crossing illegally from Central America through Mexico into the US is terribly dangerous, in many ways. Yet, more than 50,000 underage migrants have been caught trying to cross the US southern border in the last year.

Why would any parent send their kids on the deadly trip to cross the Mexico-US border? Here's why.

Crossing illegally from Central America through Mexico into the US is terribly dangerous, in many ways. Yet, m ore than 50,000 underage ...
Between the waves of unaccompanied children, more than 52,000 of them so far this year, coming across the border with Mexico and the sharp increase in the number of mothers from Central America carrying their children across, there has been a massive influx of undocumented immigrants to the United States.

What’s the Real Reason Behind Central American Immigrant Wave? U.S. Law

Between the waves of unaccompanied children, more than 52,000 of them so far this year, coming across the border with Mexico and the sharp ...
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