«Le Conseil général d'Ille-et-Vilaine n'est plus en mesure d'accueillir les mineurs isolés étrangers et demande à l'État de prendre ses responsabilités. » C'est le cri d'alerte lancé par Jean-Louis Tourenne, président du Conseil général, réagissant à l'explosion du nombre de mineurs étrangers isolés pris en charge ces dernières années dans le département. Ils n'étaient que cinq en 2000. Un chiffre qui s'élève désormais à 335 « et qui augmente de 15 à 20 par mois », selon Jean-Louis Tourenne. La plupart sont âgés de 14 à 17 ans, originaires d'Afrique subsaharienne, d'Asie centrale et d'Europe de l'est, en quête d'un meilleur avenir.

Social Les élus du département s'inquiètent de voir les structures d'accueil pour étrangers saturées

«Le Conseil général d'Ille-et-Vilaine n'est plus en mesure d'accueillir les mineurs isolés étrangers et demande à l'État ...

Mauro Manuel
Mauro Manuel, 18, arrived in the Netherlands from Angola as an unaccompanied asylum seeker in 2003. Photograph: Koen Van Weel/EPA

An Angolan teenager who arrived in the Netherlands aged 10 has lost his fight to stay in the country despite a heartfelt plea to the Dutch parliament and a wave of protest at his treatment.
Mauro Manuel, now 18, has been living in the Dutch province of Limburg with a foster family since he arrived in the Netherlands as an unaccompanied asylum seeker in 2003. He is facing deportation because he is an adult. Dutch MPs voted down two motions on Tuesday that would have allowed him to stay in the country permanently. They are expected to vote next week on a compromise motion that would allow him to stay to hear whether or not an application for a temporary four-year student visa has been successful.

Angolan teenager Mauro Manuel loses fight to stay in the Netherlands

Mauro Manuel, 18, arrived in the Netherlands from Angola as an unaccompanied asylum seeker in 2003. Photograph: Koen Van Weel/EPA An ...
The case of an 18-year-old Angolan asylum seeker has proved tricky for the Dutch parliament, as politicians debate whether Mauro Manuel should be given the right to remain in the Netherlands.

Netherlands divided over Angolan teen asylum seeker

The case of an 18-year-old Angolan asylum seeker has proved tricky for the Dutch parliament, as politicians debate whether Mauro Manuel s...
 El Partido Popular quiere convertir el "matrimonio forzoso" en un delito específico del Código Penal si gana las próximas elecciones generales. Además, en su programa para estos comicios, el partido liderado por Mariano Rajoy asegura que promoverá una "legislación específica" sobre los inmigrantes menores de edad que lleguen a España no acompañados, para facilitar su protección y, "cuando sea posible", el retorno a sus países de origen.

El PP tipificará el matrimonio forzoso como delito y promoverá el retorno de menores inmigrantes no acompañados

 El Partido Popular quiere convertir el "matrimonio forzoso" en un delito específico del Código Penal si gana las próximas elec...

Violations of the rights of unaccompanied children arriving in Spanish territory, including: ill-treatment and disregard for their best interests; detention without access to a lawyer; poor conditions in reception centres; the fact that while the age of majority is 18, for the purposes of expulsion of unaccompanied migrants it is 16; and a lack of protection of their economic, social and cultural rights.
UN Committee on the Rights of the Child (Concluding Observations, September 2010) (crin.org)

Persistent violations of children's rights

Violations of the rights of unaccompanied children arriving in Spanish territory, including: ill-treatment and disregard for their best in...
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