Visualizzazione post con etichetta asylum. Mostra tutti i post
Visualizzazione post con etichetta asylum. Mostra tutti i post
Children, whether alone or with their families, come to Australia from some of the most conflict-ravaged countries to seek refuge.

Children Suffering in Immigration Detention Centers

Children, whether alone or with their families, come to Australia from some of the most conflict-ravaged countries to seek refuge.
Migration, initially expected to take center stage at a European Union summit this week, will be pushed aside in favor of other hot-button issues despite the crisis at the bloc’s borders, Cecilia Malmström, European Commissioner for Home Affairs, conceded in an interview.

The EU at a Migration Crossroads: Speaking With Cecilia Malmström

Migration,  initially expected to take center stage  at a  European Union  summit this week, will be pushed aside in favor of other hot-but...

Diane Taylor conveniently ignores what really matters (Still locking up children (BELOW), 24 October). Children of asylum seekers used to be in detention centres, sometimes for many months. They had bad facilities, and care and understanding for their plight was not there. Now, when it is decided that a family be returned to their country of origin, families with children go to the Cedars asylum centre before departure.

Children and asylum

Diane Taylor conveniently ignores what really matters (Still locking up children (BELOW), 24 October). Children of asylum seekers used t...
An African asylum seeker detained in a Libyan detention camp after a failed attempt to enter Europe has told the Guardian about the harsh – sometimes terrifying – fate that awaits those who fail in their attempts to flee the continent north across the Mediterranean.

Asylum seekers in Libya: one man's story of prison conditions

An African asylum seeker detained in a Libyan detention camp after a failed attempt to enter Europe has told the Guardian about the harsh...

While illegal migration across the U.S.-Mexico border has fallen dramatically in recent years,government officials say there has also been an alarming increase in the number of unaccompanied minors trying to cross into the United States.

Arrests of Teen Migrants Soaring Along the U.S.-Mexico Border

While illegal migration across the U.S.-Mexico border has  fallen dramatically in recent years, government officials say there has also be...
ECRE and Amnesty International submitted an appeal to the EU institutions to maintain the presumption against detention in EU asylum legislation and uphold as a minimum a list of essential safeguards on the detention of asylum seekers in EU asylum legislation.

Appeal to EU Institutions Ensure respect for asylum seekers

ECRE and Amnesty International submitted an appeal to the EU institutions to maintain the presumption against detention in EU asylum legisl...
Di seguito pubblichiamo i criteri per la valutazione della domanda di Asilo presentata dai Minori stranieri non accompagnati.

Se credete come noi crediamo che queste regole debbamo essere abrogate e che il minore debba potersi muovere e soggiornare liberamente dove desidera, e che la domanda di asilo debba essere valutata a livello centrale dalla Comunità Europea senza alcun vincolo firma la petizione,  clicca qui  per firmare.

I criteri per l'individuazione dello stato competente ad esaminare la domanda di asilo dei msna

Di seguito pubblichiamo i criteri per la valutazione della domanda di Asilo presentata dai Minori stranieri non accompagnati. Se credet...

Ieri e' stata presentata la campagna di comunicazione e sensibilizzazione “Gente di Dublino”, promossa dal Consiglio Italiano per i Rifugiati (CIR). La campagna, cofinanziata dall’Unione Europea e dal Ministero dell’Interno è gestita dal CIR assieme con Europe Consulting e l’Associazione Italiana del Consiglio dei  Comuni e delle Regioni Europee (AICCRE), ha lo scopo di fornire un’informazione capillare sul Regolamento Dublino e sulla sua concreta applicazione.

I Minori Stranieri non Accompagnati Rifugiati e “Dublino II”

Ieri e' stata presentata la campagna di comunicazione e sensibilizzazione “Gente di Dublino” , promossa dal Consiglio Italiano per i R...
A parliamentary inquiry into Australia's immigration detention centres is recommending asylum seekers be detained for no longer than 90 days.

A majority of members of the joint committee say asylum seekers who pass initial health, character and security checks should immediately get a bridging visa or be moved to community detention.

Inquiry calls for 90-day limit on asylum detention

A parliamentary inquiry into Australia's immigration detention centres is recommending asylum seekers be detained for no longer than 90...

Choucha Transit Camp, Tunisia — Saber has his future mapped out. "It's clear to me I'm going to be a big star," says the budding hip hop artist. But then he adds, "Without my family, my dream is nothing," and it hits you that however confident he may be, he's still a vulnerable teenager who needs help.

Teenage Somali Refugee Aims to Become a Hip Hop Superstar

Choucha Transit Camp, Tunisia — Saber has his future mapped out. "It's clear to me I'm going to be a big star," says the...

Julian Burnside taunted his audience at La Trobe University in 2010 with the suggestion that we take a couple of children out of detention and publicly execute them.
'And if killing seems a bit tough, well then what say we just take half a dozen kids from detention and torture them for a while. Publicly, so that everyone will get the message.

The slow torture of kids in detention

Julian Burnside  taunted  his audience at La Trobe University in 2010 with the suggestion that we take a couple of children out of deten...
Detention, even for a short time, has a very toxic effect on children,” states Jeroen Van Hove, coordinator of the International Detention Coalition (IDC’s) campaign to end the immigration detention of children, after introducing research about migrants children who are held in detention in 11 different countries.

Many Migrant Children Face Toxic Detention

Detention, even for a short time, has a very toxic effect on children,” states Jeroen Van Hove, coordinator of the International Detention ...
At the Danish detention facility for asylum seekers, Ellebæk, at least 25 unaccopanied minor asylum seekers and 5 families with children have been detained in 2011. This practice is not in accordance with the UN convention on the Rights of the Child, according to the Danish Refugee Council.

Unaccompanied minors detained in Denmark

At the Danish detention facility for asylum seekers, Ellebæk, at least 25 unaccopanied minor asylum seekers and 5 families with children ha...

 English Below

L’International Detention Coalition ha pubblicato Captured Childhood report 2012, un interessantissimo documento nel quale è possibile leggere una serie di storie di minori detenuti per immigrazione. Le storie riportate in questo documento evidenziano come siano necessari approcci all’immigrazione alternativi a quelli adottati dalla maggior parte dei governi.

Minori stranieri detenuti per immigrazione/Foreign children detained for immigration

  English  Below L’International Detention Coalition ha pubblicato Captured Childhood report 2012 , un interessantissimo documento nel q...

Government plans to send Afghan teens back to Kabul are questionable

An Afghan policeman guards the site of a suicide attack on a Shia shrine in Kabul on Tuesday. The UK government wants to return Afghan te...
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