Last week Matilda Bogner, the Pacific area representative of the UN Human Rights Commission, severely criticised Australia’s mandatory detention policy. She declared: “Thousands of men, women and – most disturbingly of all – children have been held in Australian detention centres for long periods, even though they have committed no crime”.
The government has a policy of releasing children into community housing, but about 401 children are still being held in detention. Of those held in the Northern Territory, 119 are being held in the Darwin airport Lodge, including 58 unaccompanied minors.
Ms Bogner commented: “I urge the leaders of all Australian political parties to take a principled and courageous stand to break this ingrained habit of demonising asylum seekers.
Mental cruelty and child abuse
Ms Bogner’s comments were made in response to a statement on behalf of the Australian Medical Association by Dr Peter Morris, to the effect that detention of children in detention centres was equivalent to child abuse.
Addressing a federal commission of inquiry, Dr Morris pointed to an alarming incidence of mental health problems among children held in detention centres, which has led to a rising rate of attempts to commit suicide. In one most unusual case an unaccompanied nine-year old boy recently attempted suicide while being held in detention in the Northern Territory.
For a number of reasons statistics are not available for suicides of children under the age of 15. According to the Bureau of Statistics for 2009 (the most recent date for which figures are available) young people between 15 and 19 who committed suicide represented a large percentage of all those who died from all causes in this age category, but they were nevertheless the smallest age group of all people who committed suicide.
The rising rate of suicide attempts by young detainees is therefore a matter of deep concern. Dr Morris claims that a third of the children held in detention are suffering from depression. The federal immigration health service provider, International Health and Medical Services, has requested that more psychiatric services should be provided for detainees in the Northern Territory. This might be a good short-term move, but it ignores the fact that the major underlying cause of the deteriorating mental health of detainees is the policy of mandatory detention.
Splits in the ranks
The Gillard government’s latest advertising campaign is intended to pressure the federal opposition into supporting the government’s proposed offshore processing policy, under which asylum seekers who arrive in Australian waters by boat would be forcibly transported to indefinite detention in Malaysia.
The government is blocking its ears to all objections over its immigration policies of mandatory detention and off-shore processing of applications for asylum. The federal opposition is continuing to attack the government, with good cause, over the abuse of human rights involved in the Malaysian proposal. Nevertheless, the opposition still intends to tow back asylum seeker vessels to sea, even though they are unwanted in the nations from which they sailed, and might drown in the attempt to find a port that will accept them.
A number of federal MPs from the two largest parties have been exhibiting signs of discomfort with their party’s immigration policies. One of them is Senator Eric Abetz, who has spoken out in support of asylum seekers from Iran, the majority of whom are Christians who fled religious persecution. After receiving reports of a death sentence passed by an Iranian court on Christian pastor Youcef Nadarkhani, Betz talked of “the extreme nature of the religious intolerance in Iran” and commented: “One can understand why people are fleeing Iran”.
In marked contrast, the Immigration Minister, Chris Bowen, has stated openly that he had tried repeatedly to reach an agreement with the Iranian government to accept the return of Iranian asylum seekers detained in Iraq, even though they would “simply be killed” by the Iranian regime, as the chairman of the Iranian Community Association remarked bluntly.
Meanwhile, the Commonwealth Ombudsman, Allan Asher, is conducting an investigation into the rising rate of self-harm among detainees. There were 1,132 attempts or threats of self-harm in the past year, including 20 incidents on Christmas Island in one week last June, which occurred while Asher was inspecting detention facilities on the island.
The situation there is so bad that detention centre staff have been requested to carry knives at all times, to cut down detainees who have attempted to hang themselves. Detainees are not allowed to have razors. If they want to shave they must request a razor, and hand it back to staff afterwards.
The government has introduced into parliament an amended bill to enable the Malaysian proposal to go ahead, but a vote on the bill is not expected to take place for several weeks. Prime Minister Julia Gillard has promised to examine the Asher report seriously, in order to determine the proper course of action.
Meanwhile, she should bear in mind the advice of Louise Newman, an independent adviser to the government on mental health in detention centres. Regarding the current evidence of deteriorating mental health among detainees, she stated during a recent ABC TV interview:
“The government is not wanting to consider, at the present time, the fact that mandatory detention itself, prolonged detention of vulnerable people, is producing this damage. I think that’s a very unpalatable and difficult political message, but it’s certainly one … that is absolutely vital for us to consider.” (

Asylum seekers’ hopes still hang in the balance

Last week Matilda Bogner, the Pacific area representative of the UN Human Rights Commission, severely criticised Australia’s mandatory de...
El drama de la inmigración irregular reapareció de nuevo este lunes en Canarias, con la llegada de otra patera a la isla de La Graciosa. En ella, según confirmaron desde la Delegación del Gobierno, viajaban más de una veintena de personas de origen magrebí, entre ellas al menos cinco posibles menores de edad.
Según informó el Centro Coordinador de Emergencias y Seguridad 112, la barquilla arribó pasada la medianoche a la playa de La Caletilla, donde los indocumentados fueron asistidos y posteriormente detenidos. Todos ellos se encontraban en aparente buen estado de salud.
La propia delegada del Gobierno en el Archipiélago, Dominica Fernández, informó a mediodía de ayer de la detención de 25 inmigrantes, y reconoció que se mantiene el dispositivo de búsqueda porque se cree que en la barcaza viajaban más personas aún por localizar.
Aunque hasta el momento se desconoce la procedencia de la embarcación, las primeras pesquisas policiales apuntan al norte de África, ya que todos los arrestados son de origen marroquí. En este sentido, tanto la Policía Local de Teguise como la Guardia Civil mantienen activado el dispositivo de búsqueda en La Graciosa, ya que “según los testimonios” de varios de los apresados, a bordo de la patera viajaban una treintena de personas.
Dos rescates en agosto
La última embarcación de este tipo que arribó a las Islas lo hizo el pasado 24 de agosto a Morro Jable, en Fuerteventura. Entonces, Salvamento Marítimo rescató a 28 personas -todos varones jóvenes, de los que varios eran menores de edad-, también de origen magrebí.
Ocho días antes, el pesquero Estela y Manuel daba aviso del avistamiento de otra barcaza clandestina que se dirigía a las costas canarias. En ella viajaban 12 personas de origen magrebí, que se quedaron a la deriva en una lancha neumática que se hallaba a unas 16 millas al este de Arrecife, en Lanzarote. Con este leve repunte en la llegada de irregulares hasta las Islas, también se ha elevado ligeramente el número de jóvenes extranjeros no acompañados que son tutelados por la Dirección General del Menor de la Consejería regional de Cultura, Deportes, Políticas Sociales y Vivienda.
En concreto, según fuentes de la propia Consejería, a la espera de las pruebas óseas a las que serán sometidos algunos de los chicos que llegaron ayer a La Graciosa, en los distintos recursos de protección gestionados por los cabildos insulares hay 176 menores. A ellos hay que sumarles los 102 que se encuentran en centros de ONG y entidades humanitarias en la Península. Además, otros ocho están en centros de medidas judiciales y seis en pisos tutelados.
En total, Canarias tutela a 292 menores extranjeros no acompañados, una cifra ligeramente superior a la contabilizada en el primer semestre del año, aunque lejos de los 476 jóvenes que había en octubre de 2010. De hecho, el número actual es el más bajo desde marzo de 2006, cuando Canarias tutelaba en distintos recursos a 297 jóvenes africanos.
Mucho más lejos quedan las sobrecogedoras cifras registradas entre febrero de 2008 y enero de 2010, cuando el Ejecutivo regional llegó a tener a más de un millar de menores en situación de desamparo, y centros como los de La Esperanza, Tegueste y Arinaga llegaron a acoger a varios centenares, lo que provocó numerosos conflictos y un agrio debate político y social que llegó a Bruselas. Poco o nada queda ya de aquello, aunque las pateras y cayucos siguen llegando intermitentemente a las costas del Archipiélago.(

Canarias tutela a casi la mitad de menores inmigrantes que en 2010

El drama de la inmigración irregular reapareció de nuevo este lunes en Canarias, con la llegada de otra patera a la isla de La Graciosa. ...
Nel Rapporto presentato dal parlamentare britannico Christopher Chope e dalla sottocommissione dell'Assemblea parlamentare del Consiglio d’Europa redatto dopo la visita condotta lo scorso maggio sull’isola italiana : “I centri di accoglienza devono mantenere questa funzione e non trasformarsi in centri di detenzione”. 

Il documento dà ragione a quello che stà sostenendo da sempre sulla situazione del Centro di "Accoglienza" di  Lampedusa. Inoltre si precisa nel documento che la situazione non è migliorata, anzi peggiorata dopo la visita di maggio.

In particolare si fa riferimento ai disordini avvenuti il 20 settembre scorso, quando è scoppiato un incendio appiccato probabilmente per protestare contro le disumane condizioni in cui venivano tenuti.

La sottocommissione condanna comunque in modo fermo e assoluto la violenza degli immigrati che “non rende merito a tutti gli sforzi compiuti dagli abitanti di Lampedusa e dalla Guardia Costiera”, essa sottolinea che questa reazione degli immigrati non deve “stupire”.

“La politica detentiva dei migranti tunisini adottata a Lampedusa è problematica e i centri non sono adatti a ospitare o detenere gli immigrati irregolari”, si legge nel rapporto in cui si evidenzia come probabilmente abbia giocato un ruolo anche l’incertezza sul periodo di detenzione. 

 Infine viene richiesto alle Autorità Italiane di chiarire il quadro legale che sottostà alla detenzione degli immigrati.

A questa richiesta noi di chiediamo spiegazioni in merito alla illegittima detenzione dei minori stranieri non accompagnati.

Anche il Consiglio d'Europa esprime preoccupazione sulla detenzione dei migranti a Lampedusa

Nel Rapporto presentato  dal parlamentare britannico Christopher Chope e  dalla sottocommissione dell'Assemblea parlamentare  del Cons...
I carabinieri di Roma stanno conducendo un'operazione contro una presunta organizzazione internazionale dedita all'immigrazione clandestina e sospettata di traffico di minori per adozioni illegali.
Lo riferiscono i militari in una nota in cui parlano di 27 persone indagate e di un numero imprecisato di arresti in corso tra Roma Milano, Napoli e Cosenza.
"L'organizzazione produceva documenti falsi venduti, a prezzi esorbitanti, a cittadini di paesi africani, che poi espatriavano nel Regno Unito, in Svezia e in Canada, transitando per l'Italia", si legge nella nota dei carabinieri.
"L'operazione... vede coinvolti, nel traffico migratorio, anche bambini. Non si esclude infatti che dietro l'espatrio dei minori ci possano essere adozioni illegali".
Gli investigatori ritengono che a capo dell'organizzazione ci sia un eritreo che aveva stabilito la base logistica a Roma.(reuters)

Immigrazione, smantellata gang sospettata di traffico di minori

I carabinieri di Roma stanno conducendo un'operazione contro una presunta organizzazione internazionale dedita all'immigrazione c...
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