The desperate state of healthcare offered to asylum-seeker families, children, babies and pregnant women inside the Nauru detention centre can be revealed for the first time in a comprehensive report produced by five independent clinical experts, obtained exclusively by Guardian Australia.

Nauru detention: serious health risks to children revealed in confidential report

The desperate state of healthcare offered to asylum-seeker families, children, babies and pregnant women inside the Nauru detention centr...
Campaigners have called on the Government to live up to its pledge to end child detention after inspectors found children's needs were being overlooked at specialist immigration accommodation.

Calls to end child detention

Campaigners have called on the Government to live up to its pledge to end child detention after inspectors found children's needs were...
Di seguito il comunicato stampa della rete antirazzita catanese - Stamattina si sono celebrati a Catania i funerali delle 17 vittime ( 12 donne 3 uomini e 2 bambine) accertate del naufragio del 12 maggio scorso.

Funerali dei 17 migranti annegati e dignità umana

Di seguito il comunicato stampa della rete antirazzita catanese - Stamattina si sono celebrati a Catania i funerali delle 17 vittime ( 12 d...
1030 minori immigrati, fuggiti dai Centri di prima accoglienza dell'Isola, rischiano di cadere nella rete della criminalita' è l'allarme del presidente della commissione antimafia.

minori stranieri non accompagnati rischiano di cadere nelle mani della criminalità

1030 minori immigrati, fuggiti dai Centri di prima accoglienza dell'Isola, rischiano di cadere nella rete della criminalita' è l'...
Asylum seekers detained offshore have a higher rate of distress and mental health disorders than those in detention in Australia, according to a new report.

Rate of mental health disorders higher in offshore detention centres, report reveals

Asylum seekers detained offshore have a higher rate of distress and mental health disorders than those in detention in Australia, accordin...
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