Minore Non Accompagnato vince il premio come miglior studente

Il giovane Yacouba Traore è arrivato in Inghilterra all'età di 16 anni come minore non accompagnato richiedente asilo senza parlare una parola d'inglese e pochi anni più tardi, il 27 settembre 2016, si è aggiudicato il prestigioso premio Fostering Achievement for Education Award per i suoi risultati scolastici.
Yacouba ora è studente presso l'Università di Teeside dove studia information technology. E' arrivato nel Regno Unito come minore non accompagnato, dopo essere fuggito dalla Costa D'Avorio, in seguito all'assassinio dei suoi genitori, attivisti politici e contrari al regime.
Quando è arrivato era disorientato e incapace di parlare inglese. Nel suo percorso di vita ha dovuto in primis  convincere le autorità che era minorenne, dopo che a seguito di un errato esame del polso era stato riconosciuto maggiorenne, poi è stato affidato ad una famiglia inglese che lo ha accolto come un figlio offrendogli la possibilità di studiare.
My foster carers took me into their home and they treat me like one of their own children. They were always there to support me when I was finding things difficult. They went above and beyond their remit to give me the emotional stability and support I so badly needed. Through their support and encouragement, I have progressed from being unable to speak English, to study for my computing course at Teesside University.
There have been supportive and encouraging people in my life and I would like to thank them all. Everyone from friends and family to social services; my children’s rights and participation officer, my grandmother, my interpreter, The Fostering Network, StocktonRiverside College and Teesside University.

We are delighted that Yacouba is one of this year’s Fostering Achievement in Education winners. He has overcome so much to get where he is today, and is a real inspiration to others.
As well as working hard on his academic achievements, he always makes time to give back to the community.
From being a peer mentor for younger children, to an active participant in The Fostering Network’s Inspiring Voices programme, there isn’t much that this outstanding young man won’t do to help others.
Yacouba’s story also illustrates the importance of finding the right foster family for young asylum seekers who turn up alone in the UK, and who need stability, commitment and skilled help to overcome their traumatic experiences.

To have seen Yacouba thrive and develop is just wonderful. The time and emotional support invested since he first came to us have been so worthwhile. Now, he’s already making such a success of his life.
We’re extremely proud of him. The sense of achievement is enormous.


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