Enfants arrachés brutalement à leur famille ou au contraire laissés dans un milieu familial dangereux, entre ces deux écueils, justice et travailleurs sociaux doivent savoir naviguer sans se tromper. Résumé de la situation du placement des mineurs.
Qu'est-ce que le placement d'enfant

Le placement d'enfant

Enfants arrachés brutalement à leur famille ou au contraire laissés dans un milieu familial dangereux, entre ces deux écueils, justice et t...
It wasn’t the first time her partner hit her, but in October 2010 Norma finally picked up the phone and dialed 911. Instead of getting the help she longed for, the undocumented San Francisco resident was taken into custody and detained under the federal government’s Secure Communities Program.

“I don’t know if you have family or you have children or if you ever stopped to think about what it would be like if you weren’t able to go home to your children,” Norma told members of the Board of Supervisors at the Public Safety Committee meeting Thursday.

Supes May Oppose U.S. Immigration Program

It wasn’t the first time her partner hit her, but in October 2010 Norma finally picked up the phone and dialed 911. Instead of getting the ...
Du 21 au 23 novembre 2011, s’est tenu à Genève en Suisse et plus précisément à la Haute Ecole de Travail Social de Genève (HETS), un atelier international sur le thème : Accueil et Intégration des jeunes réfugiés en Afrique et en Europe : Regards croisés des chercheurs. Cette rencontre regroupait une vingtaine de chercheurs spécialisés sur les questions de migration en Afrique ou sur les migrants d’origine africaine en Europe. 


Du 21 au 23 novembre 2011, s’est tenu à Genève en Suisse et plus précisément à la Haute Ecole de Travail Social de Genève (HETS), un atelie...

The Gauteng Provincial Government pledged to protect undocumented minors, mainly Zimbabwean children, who are seeking sanctuary in the province.

Officials at the province's Health and Social Development said this was in response to the rising number of unaccompanied minors who had sought refuge in the province after leaving their countries of birth.
"Like all other children, these undocumented and unaccompanied minors need care and protection. They deserve the same attention as any other South African child," said Myrthle Morris, an official from the Department of Health and Social Development.
The statement was made during a presentation on the provincial government's policy on migrants' access to psychological services last week. Morris said the main problems unaccompanied minors faced were accessing healthcare services and applying for documentation.
To shield the youngsters from such challenges, the Department of Health and Social Development recently formed a task team, together the Consortium of South African Refugees Association, the Red Cross and the Centre for the Study of Violence and Reconciliation, among other organizations.the zimbabwean

Undocumented minors protected

The Gauteng Provincial Government pledged to protect undocumented minors, mainly Zimbabwean children, who are seeking sanctuary in the...
La Primera Dama de Honduras, Rosa Elena de Lobo, inauguró recientemente la segunda jornada de capacitación para 40 oficiales que darán protección a la niñez migrante no acompañada, en los diferentes tramos fronterizos.

La capacitación responde al 'Programa de Oficiales de Protección a la Infancia' (OPI’s), creado por México desde el año 2007, a fin de proteger a los miles de niños que cada año se aventuran a cruzar las fronteras, sin compañía alguna.

Honduras implementa programa de protección a menores migrantes no acompañados

La Primera Dama de Honduras, Rosa Elena de Lobo, inauguró recientemente la segunda jornada de capacitación para 40 oficiales que darán prot...
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