minoristranierinonaccompagnati.blogspot.com pubblica un terrificante rapporto del giornalista Mark Townsend, del Guardian, sul mercato del sesso delle ragazze immigrate in Gran Bretagna. 

On the morning of 15 March Joy Vincent left Croydon's Gilroy Court Hotel, and then she disappeared. No one knows what happened next: whom she met, where she was taken, whether she even went left or right. She had no family, no apparent friends, no one whom the 17-year-old could trust.

il terrificante rapporto sullo human trafficking in Gran Bretagna

minoristranierinonaccompagnati.blogspot.com pubblica un terrificante rapporto del giornalista Mark Townsend, del Guardian, sul mercato del ...
Le parcours de ces mineurs qui quittent l'Afrique, chassés par la misère et les guerres. Ils sont accueillis dans des centres pour tenter leur chance en Europe
L'ordonnance de 1945, en son article 26, stipule que « l'étranger de moins de 18 ans (1), ne peut faire l'objet, ni d'un arrêté d'expulsion, ni d'une mesure de reconduite à la frontière ». Encore heureux que la loi d'un pays comme le nôtre, qui se veut civilisé, protège les enfants, y compris ceux qui arrivent (et ils sont nombreux) du continent africain, d'où ils sont chassés par la misère et les guerres. Quel parcours du combattant pour ces jeunes. En Lauragais, comme partout en France, ils sont confiés à ces structures réservées aux mineurs en danger, voire aux mineurs délinquants. C'est le régime de la liberté qui prévaut, et c'est bien normal, ce qui nous a donné l'occasion de converser, malgré le barrage de la langue, avec l'un d'entre eux, dans notre bonne ville de Castelnaudary.

Castelnaudary. Le Lauragais comme deuxième (dernière ?) chance

Le parcours de ces mineurs qui quittent l'Afrique, chassés par la misère et les guerres. Ils sont accueillis dans des centres pour te...
Las Fuerzas y Cuerpos de Seguridad del Estado se encuentran actualmente trabajando para averiguar por dónde entran los menores extranjeros no acompañados a la ciudad. Lo confirmó ayer el delegado del Gobierno, Antonio María Claret, que se mostró «muy prudente» en todo este asunto y no quiso dar más detalles al respecto «para no estropear la investigación que se está llevando a cabo». Recalcó que aunque aún no se han reunido las dos administraciones para abordar ese problema, se está trabajando en ese sentido.

Claret niega que haya un agujero en la valla con Marruecos por el que puedan pasar los jóvenes inmigrantes

Las Fuerzas y Cuerpos de Seguridad del Estado se encuentran actualmente trabajando para averiguar por dónde entran los menores extranjero...
Padre Edoardo Caruso ha lanciato un appello a diventare tutori dei minori stranieri giunti soli in Italia. Di seguito riportiamo un articolo comparso sulla Gazzetta del Sud.

Ci sono mille modi per essere solidali. A volte non servono grandi atti ma piccoli gesti concreti; non occorre andare lontano, in l'Africa, basta guardarsi attorno per accorgersi che l'Africa è anche qui. Uno modo è suggerito dall'appello rilanciato da Padre Edoardo Caruso, di diventare tutori legali di minori stranieri giunti in Italia da soli, con uno dei tanti barconi salpati dalle coste del nord Africa. Padre Edoardo, sacerdote dell'ordine domenicano secolare, dal 2007 è direttore dell' Ufficio "Migrantes" diocesano. Anche personalmente si è speso molto per gli immigrati; nel periodo degli sbarchi nei primi anni 90, è arrivato ad occuparsi di 62 minorenni albanesi, e per questo ha ottenuto il 16 gennaio 1994 la cittadinanza albanese. 

Tutori per i cittadini extracomunitari in Calabria

Padre Edoardo Caruso ha lanciato un appello a diventare tutori dei minori stranieri giunti soli in Italia. Di seguito riportiamo un artic...

Immigration Service acknowledges it should do more to help child asylum seekers find their families

The immigration service has not been helping child asylum seekers find their families as they are legally obligated to. (File photo: Colourbox)

The Immigration Service's treatment of unaccompanied minors seeking asylum was criticised by the parliamentary ombudsman, who claims the service is not living up to its legal obligations. 

The criticism arrives after a complaint involving a 16-year-old Iraqi boy, who was told by the Immigration Service in 2008 that he would have to find his family members himself, and was referred him to the Red Cross for help in finding them.

Legally, it is the job of the Immigration Service to find the family members of unaccompanied minors, but the case revealed that the service had not been doing so for several years.

"Immigration law is very precise on this point," parliamentary ombudsman Hans Gammeltoft-Hansen wrote in a statement. "Children who arrive in Denmark alone must have help finding their families, and it must happen as soon as possible after their arrival. It is regrettable that this has not been happening."

The Immigration Service has argued that they thought it was sufficient to refer the child to the International Red Cross to help the child find their family. According to metroXpress newspaper, the service now recognises that this is not sufficient.

"We can't just leave the investigation up to the global investigating service that the Red Cross offers like we used to," Jakon Dam Glynstrup from the Immigration Service wrote in an email to Ritzau. "We have now taken on the responsibility and will co-operate with the Foreign Ministry and the International Organisation for Migration to help with the practical side of investigations."

MetroXpress writes that the Immigration Service could not reveal in how many cases the service did not perform their own independent investigations.(cphpost.dk)

Immigration Service criticised for treatment of asylum children

Immigration Service acknowledges it should do more to help child asylum seekers find their families The immigration service has not been hel...
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