Diversi Minori non Accompagnati e bambini vittime di tratta stanno scomparendo in Inghilterra, questo è l’allarme lanciato dalle ONG Ecpat e Missing People.
La denuncia avviene a seguito dello studio condotto dalle due associazioni che sarà discusso a breve nel parlamento Inglese. Le due associazioni bollano la situazione come “Vergogna Nazionale”.
167 bambini, più di un quarto di tutti i bambini vittime di tratta entrati nel sistema di accoglienza del Regno Unito, si è allontanato, almeno una volta, negli ultimi 12 mesi.
593 minori non accompagnati nel Regno Unito, il 13 per cento del totale, si è allontanato, almeno una volta.
Solo 207 tra msna e bambini vittime di tratta sono stati rintracciati.
Tra i bambini vittime di tratta scomparsi la maggior parte sono Vietnamiti e Albanesi. Mentre tra i minori non accompagnati sono albanesi, afgani, vietnamiti ed eritrei la maggior parte.
Chloe Setter di ECPAT UK ha dichiarato: "Non dobbiamo accettare questa come una realtà. Ogni bambino che scompare è un fallimento al nostro dovere di proteggerli dai pericoli ".

Scarica il Report
Heading back to harm: A study on trafficked and unaccompanied children going missing from care in the UK

I Minori Stranieri non Accompagnati

Minori Non Accompagnati e Vittime di Tratta Scomparsi, una vergogna nazionale

Diversi Minori non Accompagnati e bambini vittime di tratta stanno scomparendo in Inghilterra, questo è l’allarme lanciato dalle ONG Ecpa...
Unaccompanied teenagers from Afghanistan, Yemen and Eritrea who had reached the Calais refugee camp will be barred from entering the UK according to Home Office guidelines.
In a decision that was condemned by refugee charities and campaigners, the move will limit the intake of teenagers who do not have family in the UK to those from Syria and Sudan except in exceptional circumstances.
The Home Office’s guidance said it would take children 12 or under of all nationalities, those deemed at high risk of sexual exploitation, and those who “are aged 15 or under and are of Sudanese or Syrian nationality” because people from those countries are already granted asylum in the UK in 75% of cases.
Lady Sheehan, the Liberal Democrat peer, said the new rules, details of which emerged on Tuesday night, were “unacceptable”. Sheehan said they would come as a “horrible shock” to refugees from other countries who had been led to believe they might be able to come to Britain. “It is quite arbitrary. We had no idea they were going to apply this sort of criteria,” she said. Sheehan said she feared that teenagers awaiting asylum decisions in reception centres across France would now escape and return to Calais to risk their lives jumping on lorries. “People will be just devastated,” she said in relation to some of the refugees she has campaigned for in Calais.
Rabbi Janet Darley, the leader of Citizens UK, accused the government of back-tracking on its promises. “The UK is unforgivably backtracking on its commitment to vulnerable refugee children in Europe. Citizens UK’s safe passage team estimates that around 40% of the children who were in Calais at the time of the demolition are Eritrean or Afghan,” said Darley.
“By ruling out children from these countries, the home secretary is arbitrarily preventing many vulnerable children from being helped by the Dubs amendment, and will make it impossible for her to keep her promise that the UK would take half of the unaccompanied children in Calais.”
The new guidelines were issued to Home Office staff on 8 November and have been seen by the Guardian after they were shared on Tuesday with charities which have worked in the Calais migrant camp. They follow claims by some tabloid newspapers that some of the youngsters coming to the UK were over 18. The Calais camp was demolished two weeks ago, with an estimated 2,000 children and young adults of 16, 17 and 18 years old now scattered across France in reception centres while their cases are examined by French and Home Office officials. The UK has so far taken about 330 children from the Calais camp.
Unaccompanied children who have a family member in the UK are currently allowed in as part of a “fast transfer” family reunification programme, mandated by EU lawe.
The remainder have no family in the UK, but qualify for entry under an amendment to immigration laws pushed through parliament by Lord Dubs earlier this year. 
Citizens UK also said that the Home Office process of transferring children to the UK has virtually ground to a halt. A group of girls aged between 15 and 17 arrived in Scotland under the Dubs amendment at the weekend, but the charity has not been made aware of any others in the past week.
Of the unaccompanied minors who have been brought to the UK from France so far this year, about 250 are part of the “fast transfer” family reunification programme.
The chaotic clearance of the Calais migrant camp caused bitter tensions between the French and British governments, with France’s president telling the UK it had to do its “moral duty” and take 1,000 children from the camp.
The Home Office said that “all children who have close family in the UK will be considered for transfer” and those that do not have family ties would be assessed according to the new guidance. Fonte  - Lisa O'Carrol - TheGuardian

I Minori Stranieri non Accompagnati

Migrant teenagers without family in UK barred except Syrians and Sudanese

Unaccompanied teenagers from Afghanistan, Yemen and Eritrea who had reached the Calais refugee camp will be barred from entering the UK a...
Il Miur ha pubblicato il decreto dipartimentale n.  1144  del 9/11/2016, relativo alla presentazione di progetti volti a favorire l’integrazione di minori stranieri non accompagnati e degli alunni/studenti stranieri di recente immigrazione.
I progetti devono essere finalizzati all’accoglienza e al sostegno linguistico dei soggetti suddetti.
Le istituzioni scolastiche, aventi i requisiti richiesti (allegato 1 del decreto), presenteranno le proposte progettuali all’USR di competenza e saranno valutati da apposite commissioni istituite presso gli stessi Uffici scolastici regionali.
Le risorse disponibili per i progetti ammontano ad 1.000.000,00 di euro, ripartiti tra gli UU.SS.RR. individuati in base ai dati del Ministero del lavoro e delle politiche sociali e del Miur.
Scarica il decreto e gli allegati (allegato 1: specifiche progettuali e modello presentazione progetto e budget; allegato 2: Piano di riparto tra le Regioni).

I Minori Stranieri non Accompagnati

Progetti integrazione minori stranieri non accompagnati, Miur stanzia 1 mln.

Il Miur ha pubblicato il decreto dipartimentale n.  1144  del 9/11/2016, relativo alla presentazione di progetti volti a favorire l’inte...
In 2015 an estimated 1,011,712 refugees and migrants crossed the Mediterranean to Europe in search of safety and a better life. The MEDMIG final report examines in detail the dynamics of this migration and ways forward for policy.
Politicians and policymakers across Europe have largely talked about the arrival of refugees and migrants in 2015 as an unprecedented ‘event’, a single coherent flow of people that came ‘from nowhere’, suddenly and unexpectedly pressing against the continent’s southern border.
There has been little or no interest in the ‘back stories’ of those arriving; instead the gap between someone leaving their home country and his or her or arrival in Europe has been filled with generalisations and assumptions. We are now several years into the ‘crisis’ and there is still no sign of a coherent long-term response.
Understanding the dynamics of migration to Europe and why some people might decide to risk their lives crossing the Mediterranean remains a pressing concern.
The total number of people recorded as dead or missing in the Mediterranean in 2016 is higher than the total for 2015. Since the beginning of 2016 the rates of death have increased from 1 in 54 to 1 in 46 people among those crossing via the Central Mediterranean route and from 1 death in every 1,063 arrivals to 1 death in every 409 arrivals via the Eastern Mediterranean route.
Both the reception infrastructure and the asylum system in Greece have failed to adapt to the needs of the refugees and migrants. This is partly a Greek failure but it is also a failure of the EU. Meanwhile escalating conflicts in Syria, Yemen, Afghanistan and Iraq continue to displace hundreds of thousands of people from their homes every day.
And the assault on Mosul (Iraq) which began in mid-October 2016 is expected to displace 1.5 million people, many of whom are likely to cross the border into Eastern Turkey just a few hours away.
Our final report shines new light on the dynamics of migration to Europe across the Mediterranean Sea drawing on a rich dataset from the first large-scale, systematic and comparative study of the backgrounds, experiences, routes and aspirations of refugees and migrants in three EU Member States – Italy, Greece and Malta – and Turkey.
Fonte http://www.medmig.info/research-brief-destination-europe/

The report is available to download here

I Minori Stranieri non Accompagnati

Destination Europe?

In 2015 an estimated 1,011,712 refugees and migrants crossed the Mediterranean to Europe in search of safety and a better life. The MEDMI...

Il vicepresidente del Distretto bavarese Ramersdorf-Perlach, Guido Bucholtz, è scandalizzato per la costruzione di un muro alto quattro metri per proteggere alcuni abitanti di un Paesino, Neuperlach, da minori non accompagnati.
Non è stato il sindaco a voler erigere “la grande muraglia”, bensì sette cittadini, confinanti con la casa protetta, che dovrebbe ospitare centosessanta minori non accompagnati. Inizialmente la struttura è stata prevista per profughi adulti, ma tale progetto è decaduto dopo varie petizioni, raccolta di firme e quant’altro, sempre dietro iniziativa dei cari vicini, motivando la richiesta con la  necessità di pace e tranquillità. Le loro case distano ben venticinque metri dall’area riservata ai giovani profughi,  tra le abitazioni e la “zona per i richiedenti asilo” c’è un’ampia zona verde con alberi, cespugli e prato.

Malgrado ciò il Tribunale amministrativo di Monaco ha accolto la richiesta delle sette famiglie, ordinando la costruzione del muro alto quattro metri, perché tale altezza è indispensabile, secondo gli esperti, per un efficace isolamento acustico.
“Piccolo particolare: il muro di Berlino era alto solamente 3,60 metri” – ha sottolineato Bucholtz e ha aggiunto: “Tutto ciò è pura follia, integrazione è altro, secondo il mio modesto parere”

Sintesi: Cornelia Isabelle Toelgyes

I Minori Stranieri non Accompagnati

Muro alto quattro metri, perché i minori stranieri non accompagnati potrebbero disturbare

Il vicepresidente del Distretto bavarese Ramersdorf-Perlach, Guido Bucholtz, è scandalizzato per la costruzione di un muro ...
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