Today in the Commons chamber Nick Clegg refused to tell me when he will end the immigration detention of children. Two years ago he couldn’t stop talking about the scandal of child detention; now, 18 months after pledging its end in the coalition agreement, he is strangely silent.
The newly appointed deputy prime minister used this issue to mark his coalition out from the previous government.
He said:
“It’s that cycle of inefficiency and ineffectiveness and inhumanity that we’re trying to flip round into humanity and effectiveness.”

Nick Clegg dodges, again, the question of what he’s doing to end child detention

Today in the Commons chamber Nick Clegg refused to tell me when he will end the immigration detention of children. Two years ago he couldn...

Green Left will submit a motion during today's debate on the Immigration and Asylum budget to allow unaccompanied underage asylum seekers (AMAs) who have been in the Netherlands for some time to remain in the country. The legislation would affect an estimated 1,000 AMAs. 

Green Left calls for children’s pardon

Green Left will submit a motion  during today's debate on the Immigration and Asylum budget  to allow unaccompanied underage asylum se...

POLICE are being called to disturbances at Inverbrackie detention centre because the Federal Government cannot guarantee adequate security.
SA Police Assistant Commissioner Bronwyn Killmier yesterday told a federal parliamentary inquiry that 13 "incidents" had been reported at the centre in the past year, including three child protection matters.

Police asked to help at Inverbrackie, Port Augusta

POLICE are being called to disturbances at Inverbrackie detention centre because the Federal Government cannot guarantee adequate securit...
À 35 ans, Farid Lebgaa est éducateur au SAMIE de Ronchin, un service d'urgence pour les mineurs isolés étrangers, où les jeunes ne restent que trois mois. C'est là qu'il a développé un projet baptisé « Le savoir, vecteur d'intégration » pour leur faire découvrir la France et ses grandes institutions. Succès garanti !

Le savoir, vecteur d'intégration »pour des mineurs étrangers isolés à Ronchin

À 35 ans, Farid Lebgaa est éducateur au SAMIE de Ronchin, un service d'urgence pour les mineurs isolés étrangers, où les jeunes ne reste...
El conseller de Justicia y Bienestar Social, Jorge Cabré, ha destacado que "el Sistema de Protección de Menores de la Generalitat atiende en la actualidad a más de 800 menores extranjeros, de los que el 33% son no acompañados".

Jorge Cabré, ha destacado que “el Sistema de Protección de Menores de la Generalitat atiende en la actualidad a más de 800 menores extranjeros, de los que el 33% son no acompañados”.

El conseller de Justicia y Bienestar Social, Jorge Cabré, ha destacado que "el Sistema de Protección de Menores de la Generalitat at...
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