All’indomani dell’ennesimo sbarco di 1004 migranti a Napoli, si chiama ancora “emergenza”, una situazione che coinvolge tutti i cittadini del mondo. Problemi di risorse e strutture.

A Napoli, priorità ai minori non accompagnati

All’indomani dell’ennesimo sbarco di 1004 migranti a Napoli, si chiama ancora “emergenza”, una situazione che coinvolge tutti i cittadini d...
I minori stranieri non accompagnati per accedere all’assistenza legale di cui hanno diritto devono affrontare una serie di ostacoli, come la mancanza di informazioni, o una mancnaza di aiuto.

Ostacoli e Mancanza di informazioni per l’assistenza legale dei Minori Stranieri non Accompagnati.

I minori stranieri non accompagnati per accedere all’assistenza legale di cui hanno diritto devono affrontare una serie di ostacoli, come l...
Detaining children in makeshift, harsh facilities has become a feature of global political practice.

Children in Detention

Detaining children in makeshift, harsh facilities has become a feature of global political practice.
Crossing illegally from Central America through Mexico into the US is terribly dangerous, in many ways. Yet, more than 50,000 underage migrants have been caught trying to cross the US southern border in the last year.

Why would any parent send their kids on the deadly trip to cross the Mexico-US border? Here's why.

Crossing illegally from Central America through Mexico into the US is terribly dangerous, in many ways. Yet, m ore than 50,000 underage ...
Just as I began writing this piece about Hector* -- one of many children who have arrived, unaccompanied, in the U.S. since last October- - news broke that at least five of the children the U.S. recently deported back to Honduras, Hector's country of origin, were murdered when they were returned. This tragic news only underscores the need for action to address this crisis and help children like Hector.

The Children on Our Doorstep

Just as I began writing this piece about Hector* -- one of many children who have arrived, unaccompanied, in the U.S. since last October-...
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