Ieri nel porto di Brindisi, nel corso dei consueti controlli da parte della Guardia di Finanza, sono stati trovati 13 minorenni di nazionalità Afghana.
Il ritrovamento da parte dei militari è avvenuto sopra un TIR sbarcato da un traghetto proveniente da Patrasso.
I poveri migranti, sembra tutti di etnia Hazara, erano stipati nel doppio fondo ricavato sotto il carico di copertura costituito da rotoli di carta.
L'autoarticolato e il carico trasportato sono stati sottoposti a sequestro; l'autista del tir e' stato arrestato.


13 minorenni di nazionalità Afghana, trovati in un TIR nel porto di Brindisi

Ieri nel porto di Brindisi, nel corso dei consueti controlli da parte della Guardia di Finanza, sono stati trovati 13 minorenni di nazional...
   La Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV) acoge desde este martes y hasta el próximo jueves 17 de noviembre, las III jornadas sobre 'La situación de los menores inmigrantes no acompañados: su protección e integración'.
    La inauguración de las jornadas tendrá lugar, a las 12 horas, en el Salón de Actos del Edificio Nexus de la UPV y contará con la intervención de varios miembros destacados del ámbito educativo y migratorio, según ha informado la institución académica en un comunicado.

Expertos en educación y migraciones analizarán en la UPV la situación de los menores inmigrantes

   La Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV) acoge desde este martes y hasta el próximo jueves 17 de noviembre, las III jornadas sobr...

“John,” whose name has been changed to protect his identity, was the victim of violent gang persecution resulting from his father’s political opposition to the pervasive gang violence in their poor neighborhood bordered by two rival gangs involved in territorial wars. After murder attempts on the lives of his father and other family members, whose history of resistance to the gangs caused them to flee the country, young John was left in the care of an abusive aunt without any protection from gang violence. Following unsuccessful attempts to relocate with extended family members where the vast gang networks were still able to locate him, he fled to El Salvador. At the age of 14, John was apprehended alone while trying to cross the border in Texas.

Nixon Peabody Attorney Wins Asylum for Unaccompanied Minor Fleeing Gang Persecution

“John,” whose name has been changed to protect his identity, was the victim of violent gang persecution resulting from his father’s politi...
Les quatrièmes semaines départementales de l'UNICEF auront lieu à Rodez et Onet du 14 novembre au 11 décembre prochains. « L'objectif global de ces semaines est un plaidoyer en faveur des droits de l'enfant, à l'international et en France », expose Guilhem de Colonges, président de l'UNICEF pour l'Aveyron.
« Nous avons souhaité cette année que cette grande initiative de sensibilisation prenne plus d'ampleur. Au cœur de nos préoccupations, il y a la malnutrition dans la corne de l'Afrique, les problèmes récurrents liés à la reconstruction en Haïti, ou encore les conséquences des inondations majeures de l'an dernier au Pakistan. Plus quelque 80 programmes réguliers d'aide aux pays en voie de développement », poursuit Guilhem de Colonges.

Rodez. Les semaines solidaires de l'UNICEF

Les quatrièmes semaines départementales de l'UNICEF auront lieu à Rodez et Onet du 14 novembre au 11 décembre prochains. « L'obj...
The University of South Florida student and the homeless Haitian immigrant sat on opposite sides of the desk, working together on a geometry problem.
The young Haitian woman, who says her mother brought her to the United States at age 16 and tried to force her into prostitution, was struggling with the math section of her ACT test prep book.
The USF student, a physics major who hopes to become a researcher, showed her how to use a trigonometry law to find the length of the side of a triangle.
And for a moment, they were both just students with few differences between them.
"We all deal with the stress of preparing for a test," said Courtney Halpin, 21, one of about a dozen USF students volunteering in a new partnership with the Unaccompanied Homeless Youth Program through Hillsborough Kids Inc. The nonprofit agency oversees the care of abused and neglected children in the county.
The USF students plan to meet with the homeless students— some in high school, some seeking their GEDs — twice a month, holding tutoring sessions and life-skills workshops on subjects including nutrition, health care and career planning at the The Hillsborough Kids Activity Building (known as The Family Place) on N Florida Avenue.
The goal is that the homeless will soon make it to college, too.
Without positive role models, many could instead end up in the welfare or criminal justice system, said Jeanine Bedell, spokeswoman for Hillsborough Kids.
"We're trying to get them on the right path and also give them the tools to succeed," Bedell said.
It's one thing to give homeless youth a place to live or to enroll them in school, but without coping skills, they will miss out, she said. "We're trying to bridge that gap."
Last year, the Hillsborough County school system reported 3,827 homeless children, including 80 who were "unaccompanied," or rather not under the supervision of parents or guardians.
About a dozen came to the first meeting in late October with the USF students, who are all members of the university's academic and service-minded Kosove Scholars Society.
Halpin, the society's president, said the group typically volunteers at a different organization each month. This new partnership feels more meaningful, he said. It will continue through the end of the school year, he said.
"At the end of the day, I just wish we could devote more time to it," Halpin said.
As does 20-year-old Cherline Francois, the young woman from Haiti who got help from Halpin on her math problems.
Francois, who is seven months' pregnant and staying temporarily in a rented room in the university area, caught a bus to make it to the workshop last month. She has dreams of going to the University of South Florida, herself, and eventually becoming a nurse.
"It was a good experience," Francois said of the tutoring session with Halpin. "He was so patient with me."
(St. Petersburg Times)

USF students partner with the homeless to lend tutoring, hope

The University of South Florida student and the homeless Haitian immigrant sat on opposite sides of the desk, working together on a geome...
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